Bank Deposit/Transfer

To personally deposit or make your donation directly via bank transfer, please use our account details below:


Bank Name: HSBC Bank
Account Name: SteppingStones Charity
Sort Code: 40-12-04
Account Number: 51 79 83 08


Bank Name: HSBC Bank
Account Name: SteppingStones Charity
IBAN: GB22MIDL40120481798294

Please Contact Us of any bank deposits/transfers made, including your name, the type of donation (Lillah, Sadaqah, Zakat etc) and the project the donation should go towards. Alternatively, you can use your name and type of donation as reference during deposit/transfer of funds. If we receive no email or reference name and type of donation after transfer of funds, your donation will automatically be classified as Sadaqah.

If you are a UK Tax payer, please help us by Gift Aiding your donations as we can reclaim 25p, from the tax that you have already paid to HM Revenues and Customs, for every £1 you donate.  Please complete the Online Gift Aid Declaration Form. To learn more about gift aid, please visit ‘Gift Aid It’ section of our website.