SteppingStones Charity is working with My Ten Nights, a free tool that allows you to automate your donations during the last ten nights of Ramadan.


Furthermore, this free tool will allow you to concentrate on worship, dedicate more time to Dhikr, recitation of the Quran, as well as other forms of worship whilst your charitable donations such as Sadaqah & Zakat, are being taken care of.


By using the My Ten Nights tool, you can ensure you don’t miss your chance to donate on Laylatul-Qadr ever again whilst receiving its many blessings.

Laylatul Qadr

For every pound you spend, you will receive the reward of spending £1 every day for 83 years! This is like spending approximately £30,295 in charity (the more you spend, the more the reward).

How does it work?

Scheduling your donations is super easy – simply launch ‘My Ten Nights’ by clicking the My Ten Nights button below and get started. It’s just three simple steps:

Laylatul Qadr

Choose Your Cause

Laylatul Qadr

Schedule Your Donations

Laylatul Qadr

Complete Your Transaction…Easy!

You can now relax knowing that your donations will be made automatically, ensuring you don’t miss giving on the sacred Night of Power.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule your donations today.

***We would like to remind our donors that donations sent to SteppingStones Charity through My Ten Nights are not deducted before they reach us.

SteppingStones Charity’s fees to My Ten Nights are paid separately.