Food Packs

The worst poverty is hunger which makes people do unimaginable things.

Lillah & Sadaqah Only.

£847 of £2,000 raised

Food Is A Basic

necessity for survival and also the key to a healthy life. Thus, without regular healthy meals, children will struggle to go to school, and families will struggle to work. Albeit, communities are left battling to survive.

Countries in which a large portion of the population that battles hunger are usually poor and lack the social safety nets we enjoy. Such as soup kitchens, food stamps, and job training programmes.

Masjid Yusuf

weekly food bank, an initiative started in January 2023 to help feed poor communities, regardless of gender, ethnicity or beliefs has great potential for improving their lives, at the most basic level, by addressing problems of physical and economic access to food.

Our food packs are composed of a variety of staple food items which cover the major food groups

We Are Committed

in fighting food poverty and giving support to anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity or beliefs that do not have access or have limited access to food from Masjid Yusuf, Ecuador, South America.

Any donation you make towards our food packs will help provide nutritious meals to poor families on a weekly basis.

Our target is £2000

Recent Donors


28th November 2024

Amount Donated


10th April 2024

Amount Donated


17th November 2023

Amount Donated


13th October 2023

Amount Donated

Sayyam Shakoor

26th September 2023

Amount Donated


31st July 2023

Amount Donated

Ebrahim Patel

28th July 2023

Amount Donated


26th July 2023

Amount Donated

Imanul Hoque

15th February 2023

Amount Donated


14th February 2023

Amount Donated


Top Fundraisers


13th October 2023

Amount Donated

Imanul Hoque

15th February 2023

Amount Donated

Ebrahim Patel

28th July 2023

Amount Donated

Sayyam Shakoor

26th September 2023

Amount Donated

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (R.A.) said, “A man asked the Prophet (S.A.W), 'Which aspect of Islam is best?' He said, 'feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know.' [Sahih Bukhari]